If desired, the TDA-2G data output information can be captured, stored to a file and imported into spreadsheet programs for statistical analysis or report generation.
Connect the TDA-2G unit serial port to your PC using a 9 pin D sub-miniature serial cable configured for null-modem communication.
Null modem refers to a communication method to directly connect two DTEs (computer, terminal, printer, etc.) using an RS-232 serial cable. Essentially the transmit and receive lines cross-over instead of connecting pin-for-pin. See the diagram below.
One of the easiest programs for capturing data is probably Windows® terminal available in the Windows OS inclusive through version XP. See your Windows® documentation for version specific setup procedures. For newer computers there are also many freeware and purchase options to choose from if desired.
PuTTY (http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html)
RealTerm (http://realterm.sourceforge.net/)
TeraTerm (http://www.ayera.com/teraterm/)
From the terminal program the data may be imported into a commercially available spreadsheet program and formatted.
Configure the Serial port in use by the photometer to the following settings:
- Baud Rate – 2400
- Data Bits – 8
- Parity – none
- Stop Bit – 1
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