If the conditions unit section is marked as "As-Found Inoperable" does that mean the complete instrument was inoperable and failed calibration when received? Yes, the instrument was inoperable upon receipt, and we were unable to take any readings initially. After cleaning, repair and servicing, the instrument would successfully be calibrated and pass.
Why did my instrument fail "As found," and does this affect my previous calibrations (filter certifications)? The failure on the Calibration Point check was likely due to optical changes in the system, which can reduce measurement accuracy. This issue does not significantly affect your previous filter.
From the “Inoperable” calibration results, what do we understand about the Volumetric Flow Meter, ONDINA concentration, PAO concentration, and HIGH concentration? The instrument failed to provide any "As-Found" results for ONDINA, PAO, and HIGH concentrations and was marked as N/A on the 2i output. It was also labeled as "Inoperable" on the certificate.
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